ジャンル:Full HD (フル ハイビジョン) 制服
「ことみと恋したら… 渚ことみ」の良くある質問 by Yahoo!知恵袋
Q.ジャンク品のPS2をヤフオクで出品したら海外から1000ドルで売ってくれとメールが来たのですが…表題の通り、ヤフオクでPS2のジャンク品を出品したのですが質問が来たので開いてみました。するとカナダから英語風味で1000ドルで売ってくれという内容の質問でした。どうやらナイジェリアの友達に送って欲しいというわけのわからない内容で見るからに怪しいのですが、定価より高い1000ドルで買いたい意味がわかりません。色々となんでそこまでして欲しいのか聞いてみたら速攻で返答が返ってきました。でも英語で完全に理解できません。これは何かの新手のサギでしょうか?英語訳もできる経験豊富な方、同じ様な経験をお持ちの方、この甘い話には一体どんな裏があるのか、何の為にこんな事をしているのか教えて頂きたく質問させて頂きました。皆さんの知恵をお貸し下さい。相手から来たメッセージを転載致します。I'm Miss Yeo Mi-Eul Presently in Canada.i saw your item paste on YAHOO AUCTION Am interested in buying your item for my Friend, i will offering you $1,000.00USDollar for each of the item plus shipment to my Friend in Nigeria via EMS SPEED POST .Let me know how many pieces you have for sale.i will be remitting your payment via Bank to Bank transfer Or PayPal into your account.Get back to me via your personal e-mail and please reply back in English.Reply back to(yeomieul2011@gmail.com )Hoping to read from you fast,Thanks.そして色々と聞いてみると以下の返答が返って来ました。Dear Seller, Thanks for your mail,and I'm very glad to hear from y ou that you haveinterest in doing business with me,and i will be glad if you would makethese possible,because i really need the item for my Friend who is inNigeria,and i want the item to be shipped out through EMS SPEED POST3-5 days deliveryokay.So i will pay you US$1,000.00 for the item including the shipping cost via EMS cause the items is needed very urgently for my Friend and i want you to go and end the auctions of the item on Yahoo Auctions...However i will be paying you through Citi Bank Online Wire Transferdirectly to your bank account,so i want you to provide me your full bankdetails so that i can able to proceed with the payment as soon as possible.
Q.ジャンク品のPS2をヤフオクで出品したら海外から1000ドルで売ってくれとメールが来たのですが…表題の通り、ヤフオクでPS2のジャンク品を出品したのですが質問が来たので開いてみました。するとカナダから英語風味で1000ドルで売ってくれという内容の質問でした。どうやらナイジェリアの友達に送って欲しいというわけのわからない内容で見るからに怪しいのですが、定価より高い1000ドルで買いたい意味がわかりません。色々となんでそこまでして欲しいのか聞いてみたら速攻で返答が返ってきました。でも英語で完全に理解できません。これは何かの新手のサギでしょうか?英語訳もできる経験豊富な方、同じ様な経験をお持ちの方、この甘い話には一体どんな裏があるのか、何の為にこんな事をしているのか教えて頂きたく質問させて頂きました。皆さんの知恵をお貸し下さい。相手から来たメッセージを転載致します。I'm Miss Yeo Mi-Eul Presently in Canada.i saw your item paste on YAHOO AUCTION Am interested in buying your item for my Friend, i will offering you $1,000.00USDollar for each of the item plus shipment to my Friend in Nigeria via EMS SPEED POST .Let me know how many pieces you have for sale.i will be remitting your payment via Bank to Bank transfer Or PayPal into your account.Get back to me via your personal e-mail and please reply back in English.Reply back to(yeomieul2011@gmail.com )Hoping to read from you fast,Thanks.そして色々と聞いてみると以下の返答が返って来ました。Dear Seller, Thanks for your mail,and I'm very glad to hear from y ou that you haveinterest in doing business with me,and i will be glad if you would makethese possible,because i really need the item for my Friend who is inNigeria,and i want the item to be shipped out through EMS SPEED POST3-5 days deliveryokay.So i will pay you US$1,000.00 for the item including the shipping cost via EMS cause the items is needed very urgently for my Friend and i want you to go and end the auctions of the item on Yahoo Auctions...However i will be paying you through Citi Bank Online Wire Transferdirectly to your bank account,so i want you to provide me your full bankdetails so that i can able to proceed with the payment as soon as possible.
Q.英語で一分間のスピーチをすることになりました内容は自由なので自分の好きなテニス選手について話したくて文章を考えたのですが英語は不得意で自信がありません英語の得意な方がいましたらアドバイスお願いしますI like Gael Monfils. He is a tennis player. I am going to speak him.Full name is Gael Sebastien Monfils. Nicknamed is "Lamonf".He comes from French in 1986. His father comes from island of Guadeloupe.His mother comes from island of Martinique and she is a nurse.Also he has one younger brother.Lamonf’s hobby is walking around with his iPod listening to music in particular R&B.If he didn’t play tennis he would play basketball. He is Fan of NBA team Detroit Pistons and favorite basketball player is Carmelo Anthony.I want to keep cheering him.
A.I like Gael Monfils. He is a tennis player.I would like to talk about him a little.His name is Gael Sebastien Monfils, nicknamed "La Monf".He was born in France in 1986. He has father, mother, and younger brother.His father is from island of Guadeloupe of Caribbean islands.His mother is a nuase, who comes from Martinique of Caribbean.La Monf's hobby is walking around with his iPod, listening to music in particular R&B. As he says, if he hadn't played tennis, he would have played basketball instead.He is Fan of NBA team Detroit Pistons, and his favorite basketball player is Carmelo Anthony.I will keep standing by him.ちょっと足している部分、並べ替えている部分があるのでニュアンスが違っていたり、気に入らなかったりしたら変えてください。自分の言葉で言うほうが伝わりやすいと思いますので。
full of love
full moon
僕クエスト full
os-宇宙人 full
桃源郷エイリアン full
full of vigor
ぱんでみっく full
morning ARCH full
full count
full life
[PR] 水着は脱ぐよりもエロいとおもう動画